The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services and Office of Aging and Disability Services) and the Maine Department of Labor (Bureau of Rehabilitation Services) partners with Syntiro, a nonprofit located in Readfield, to provide professional development for employment support providers. A statewide calendar of events provides information regarding upcoming ACRE Employment Specialist certification opportunities, monthly webinars and advanced topical training on topics of interest to the field.
Syntiro has provided statewide professional development since 1986 and we have increasingly utilized state of the art technology including teleconferencing and webinars to deliver a wide range of learning opportunities across the state and nation. Its headquarters are centrally located in Readfield and key staff are located in home offices across the state.
Past initiatives represent a wide range of topics and funding streams. While Syntiro no longer holds the EWDS contract project the training calendar will remain available on this site until a new vendor is announced.